It’s that time of year folks! Time to get ready for National Novel Writing Month.
If you don’t know what National Novel Writing Month is, I suggest you look it up. One whole month of a lot, and I mean a LOT, of writing. 50,000 words in the month of November. It’s insane. And it’s glorious.
This will be my fourth time participating. I’ve won the other three times (I’m a crazy person. If I set a goal for myself, I do NOT give it up), and it’s always a terrifying start. I mean, 50,000 words? Who says I can even write 5?
It can be a slog too. There are days when I don’t feel like writing. When everything I put down on the page I feel awful about. It almost hurts to write. But I do it.
Because at the end, I have an almost shiny new novel. And bragging rights.
Of course, I always take the month of October to prepare (and last year, I was preparing through September as well). I like to jump right in on November 1, get as much done as possible so that I can just write for those thirty days.
I’ve done very little planning so far. I guess I should get started, huh?
Does anyone else do NaNoWriMo?