Classic Stories and Modern Tales

Tag: dreamcast

Dreamcast: The Avengers Musical

With Infinity War being released this week, I am in complete Avengers mode. I am so excited and so nervous about what’s going to happen! So for today’s blog, I thought I would combine two of my favorite things: Broadway and The Avengers. Without further ado, here’s who should play some of The Avengers in a hypothetical Broadway musical:

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Dreamcast: The Royal We (by @fuggirls) as a Broadway Musical

I’m sure I’m not the only romance author out there living for Prince Harry’s engagement to Meghan Markle. I mean, it’s practically right out of a novel. In fact, it echoes one of my favorite novels in many ways, The Royal We, by Heather Cocks and Jessica Morgan. (Have you read it yet? If not, please do. Let’s talk about it.) So for today’s blog, I thought I’d combine two of my favorite things: The Royal We and Broadway Dreamcasts.

So if they were to make The Royal We into a Broadway show (which they should), here’s who I’d want to see cast (NOTE: I am casting slightly on the older side because of the number of years the book covers and because people usually read slightly younger onstage).

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What Broadway Show Should I Dreamcast Next?

I’ve been thinking I’d like to do another musical dreamcast (for a project that will never be made except in my dreams).  When I do dreamcasts, I take a preexisting movie, stage show, or idea, and put in the Broadway actors and actresses that I think would be perfect in the lead roles.  I have a few ideas for my next one, and that is where you come in. Should it be…?

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Oscar Winners as Broadway Performers

Do you ever envision Hollywood’s top movies as musicals? And then picture your favorite Broadway actors and actresses in the lead roles?  No? Just me? Well, okay then. It’s a fun, sometimes infuriating habit I have. This year, I thought I’d share who I would cast in the inevitable Broadway musicals of the winning movies. So without further ado, the winning Oscar performances, cast for Broadway musicals.

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